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Kumarie's Jump Rope Transformation: Heartfelt Thanks

Kumarie's Jump Rope Transformation: Heartfelt Thanks

“Jump ropes are for kids. Or so I thought. I would say that’s what most people think when I tell them what’s what I do daily for my workouts.”

Kumarie describes herself as never really being the “workout” type. Little did Kumarie know that jump ropes would soon play a huge part in her life. 

We love hearing from Crossrope jumpers. Their stories never cease to amaze and inspire us. Time and time again, we hear about how jumping rope is changing lives. Kumarie’s story is a perfect example of how a simple rope goes so far beyond the average workout.

This is Kumarie’s jump rope transformation story. Take it away, Kumarie. 

How It All Started…

Let’s go back three years. I was a healthy, active, and luckily naturally skinny 30-year-old. 

Then I was diagnosed with a heart condition. 

Two surgeries later, and my heart is functioning the best it can without a pacemaker. I became so frustrated, mad, and complacent. My heart made it so difficult to be active. I gained weight, became more unhappy, and lost all stamina. 

I had no workout experience, but my husband swore by Crossrope. He is and always has been athletic; he exercises regularly and said that jumping rope was the perfect workout. 

So with a lot, a lot of convincing, I started the Crossrope Beginner’s Challenge. I sucked. It was not like jumping rope as a kid. It kicked my butt. It challenged my heart and body, but I became stronger every day. My heart health improved. 

While I can’t control my setbacks, the stamina I’ve built with Crossrope has saved me. 

Jumping For The First Time

When I jumped for the first time, I was at a low point in my life. I felt like my heart would never be strong again.

I started my first jump with my husband in our garage, and that’s where we’ve done most of our jumps for the past two years. 

When I started, it was for me, for my heart, and to get healthy. When I showed up that second day, it was for my husband, who has been the best life partner anyone could wish for. I wanted my heart stronger for us. He never stopped pushing me or believing in me. 

After that first jump, I was hooked. My heart needed to get stronger, and my husband was sure that Crossrope was the answer. He pushed me past my fears and what he calls “stubbornness.” 

Kumarie jumping rope outside

Breaking Old Habits & Building New Ones 

Besides jumping rope, I’ve made so many other lifestyle changes. I’ve improved my diet. I’ve learned to prioritize. 

Although Crossrope is versatile in that it can be done anywhere, I’ve enjoyed creating a structured workout regimen. Creating structure allows me to follow a schedule and hold myself accountable. 

I’ve built many new healthy habits on this journey: structure, accountability, and an overall healthy lifestyle. It’s been truly life-changing. 

I’ve also broken a lot of bad habits. I literally never worked out before Crossrope. Since starting, I stick to a schedule and workout at least five times a week. I’ve changed my entire diet. I’m a vegetarian, but I’ve notoriously been the worst example of a vegetarian. All carbs, sugar, and no veggies. Getting into shape with Crossrope made me want to get the best results possible. Now I eat a well-balanced diet. I even eat salads! 

Milestones & Challenges

On this journey, we had the greatest loss in our family. When we lost our pup, we threw ourselves into these workouts and it saved me again. I’ve been jumping for almost two years now, my husband longer, and it’s changed our lives. It’s helped more than physically. It’s helped me through the hardest times in my life.

Kumarie and her husband in front of a picture of their darling pup

On the days I still struggle, my pup keeps me going: my workout partner for life. He’s no longer with me physically, but I feel so connected with him every time I jump. He never missed a workout. I’m lucky to still have my husband and our other pup Bear supporting me daily. 

As for the workouts, my biggest challenges came during the workouts that are Tabata modeled. Although we can choose what challenges to complete in the Crossrope app, I found myself wanting to complete challenges with my husband. I struggled so much where the breaks didn’t allow my heart enough time to recover. 

But two great things happened—first, I learned how to modify and make the exercises work for me. And that’s the beauty of it, there’s a Crossrope nation, but we’re all still individuals on our own journeys. 

Second, when the app asked for feedback, I sent a suggestion about creating a challenge that was more cardio-protective. I was pleasantly surprised when Crossrope released a Healthy Heart Challenge! Another reason I fell in love with Crossrope. 

I knew I had found my thing when I wanted to try a heavier rope! It was the best realization because not only did it mean I was progressing, but it meant I wanted to keep getting better. 

The best moment was the first time I used that 2-pound rope. It’s a beast. It was by no means graceful, but I was so proud of myself the first time I worked up the courage to use that rope! 

Through all of this, I’ve learned that I am strong—physically and emotionally. Crossrope helped me accept my physical limitations and challenge myself to strengthen what I can control. 

The Best Support System

Kumarie and her husband smiling together outside

My husband tried numerous times to get me to jump. I wanted no part of it. He had already been jumping for a year and a half. He had obvious results. But that’s the thing with jumping for the first time. Same as it is with anything in life, it has to be the right time for you. 

My husband has been all the support I need. He motivated me to start working out and help make my heart as strong as I can. He included me in his own Crossrope journey and helped me forge my own path. He pushes me when I want to give up. He demands I take a break when my heart needs it. He lets me cry and loves me through life’s challenges. 

When I jump, it takes me back to being a kid! It’s simple yet effective. Now as an adult, it is an amazing workout that I can fit into the craziness of my day. I feel free, strong, disconnected from the world, and more in tune with myself. 

Kumarie’s Advice for New Jumpers

Just make that first jump. It’s hard. It’s fun. You’ll be clumsy. You’ll trip. You may want to quit. But if you don’t, it may just change your life like it changed mine. 

Before jumping, I was conveniently active for work. I never worked out. I never pushed myself. After jump rope, I am the most fit I’ve been my entire life. I can say I enjoy working out. I look forward to the good energy and letting go of the stresses of my day. 

Give Crossrope a try. The quality is unmatched. I love the ease of changing ropes. I love the fluid movement with the handles. And unlike other ropes, the app is a perfect match. It provides challenges based on different skill sets. The app has tracked my progress and even helps provide motivation. We are a Crossrope family and believe in the results. To date, we’ve gotten 6 other people their first Crossrope sets to help start their own journeys. 

From the bottom of my wonky, special heart, I give you heartfelt thanks Crossrope. 

collage of healthy transformation pictures

Thank You, Kumarie 

Kumarie, thank you for making our jump rope community a brighter, more inspiring place. Your story is a wonderful reminder of why we do what we do at Crossrope. We’re honored to tell your story. 

Have questions for Kumarie? Leave a comment below! 

Have a jump rope story of your own to share? Get in touch with us here

Happy jumping!

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