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Darien's Jump Rope Transformation

Darien's Jump Rope Transformation

I'm a dad of three and lead a real estate team. I have a passion for seeing others succeed and pouring whatever I can into them. I’m a workout enthusiast and often feel that I haven’t started my day until I’ve broken a sweat.

I come from an athletic background and love to be challenged mentally and physically, so when I discovered jump ropes, I figured it would be a good fit, especially since the pandemic and stay-home orders. I had no gym and needed something to keep me inspired.

When I jumped rope for the first time, I was in a very cold and dimly lit garage at home. I could not wait to get my Crossropes and was super excited to try them out. It was a struggle! But the willingness to persist and the inspiration in the Crossrope community keep me going.

It wasn't until I posted a video showcasing jump roping that I fully understood maybe it was becoming a thing for me. I performed the programs in the Crossrope app that mixed up burpees and plyometric movements while incorporating the ropes, and I absolutely loved it! The programs helped me get even more comfortable with jump ropes because of the additional exercises. But once my peers championed me for jumping, it really gave me a sense of accomplishment, and that's when I started to realize maybe this is my thing. Ultimately, I wanted a more fit lifestyle for mental and physical purposes, and jump rope has allowed me to achieve that.

Darien jumping rope

Initially, I was hoping to get in better shape without necessarily going to a gym during the pandemic. I was also hoping to manage my weight better and avoid any blood pressure medications. My physician advised me to change my eating and cardiovascular activity, or I would have to take blood pressure medicine. I was not going to have that, I mean, it's hard for me to take Advil, so then the journey begins. 

What kept me going aside from the Crossrope community and the members who inspire me daily is the progress (lower blood pressure) and the results I have earned. Also, not to mention it's super convenient!

Throughout my journey, I became more aware of my eating habits and started avoiding certain foods because of how they made me feel. It did not provide the nutrients needed to perform better with jump ropes. I was able to incorporate a routine using ropes as my workout to have more energy and mental sharpness before my day begins, which is why I jump rope in the early morning before weight training.

I started limiting junk food and fast food intake, allowing me to cook and enjoy our family time in the evenings. It has allowed me to stay committed to something which spills over into my personal and business life. I feel so connected during stretching after jumps, and it has allowed me to be more spiritually aware and intentional—just a better and overall sense of self.

Darien at the gym

Trying new things is good for you in so many ways. This journey has affected my personal, business, and family life positively. I am overall in a healthier mindset and have the energy to continue to pour into others. People ask me how I have the energy to jump rope every day, and my response is It gives me more energy to give away, and I believe that is my contribution to my family, friends, and the team I lead.

Some of my proudest moments along the way were doing double unders, crisscrosses, and learning new tricks! It's so fun, but ultimately for me, it is the life-changing experience I have for knowing I am in a better mental and healthier space, and jump rope has allowed that for me. 

And all of this wasn’t without challenges like pushing through when you don't want to. Being disciplined enough to know you really need to continue your journey and love the progress. That is what really keeps me going—the progress.

The quality of the ropes is what keeps me using Crossrope. I love the handles and feel like the support in the community is amazing. It is different. Anyone can join in. You can mix it up however you like. It's a synergy that I feel is much needed—nothing like getting a quick workout in with the ropes and having that feeling of accomplishment.

I generally feel like a champion when I jump. I love weighted ropes, and it's just something about swinging that rope at whatever speed you like that empowers you. It is a release I get and, in most cases, takes me somewhere internally. 

Initially, my family was curious, like all my friends. It took me a while before I let everyone in on my jump rope journey, but when I did, they championed and continued to champion me! My 2-year-old daughter loves to watch me jump rope, which pushes me to go longer and further with my skill set.

Darien and his daughter

If you’re thinking about starting to jump rope, you are going to love it! Go at your own pace, and just know you have a community and a friend in me that champions you along the way. Thank you, Crossrope!

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