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10 Surprisingly Fun Indoor Workouts To Try While Watching TV

10 Surprisingly Fun Indoor Workouts To Try While Watching TV

Is the weather not cooperating with your outdoor workout plans? 

Too hot to get the heart pumping outside? Raining? 

Or maybe you’re just too deep into a Netflix binge to peel yourself off the couch. 

That’s OK; we’ll take our workout with a side of air conditioning and some quality entertainment, please. 

We’ve put together 10 surprisingly fun indoor workouts for you to try, and the best part is you don’t even need to turn the TV off. In fact, these binge-worthy indoor workouts require your favorite TV shows. 

Want to quick-jump to your favorite TV show? Use the links below. 

  1. Bob’s Burgers
  2. Friends
  3. The Office
  4. Parks and Recreation
  5. Seinfeld
  6. The Simpsons
  7. Modern Family
  8. Superstore
  9. Schitt’s Creek
  10. New Girl

Before We Begin

Each of these workouts involves jumping rope, and they’re a super fun way to put any Crossrope to use. The rope you use is totally up to you, and feel free to use any footwork variation that you know and enjoy. 

Need a refresher on jump rope steps? Here’s our collection of jump rope tricks and exercises that you can use for these workouts. 

Don’t have a jump rope? No sweat! You can totally substitute any of the jump rope exercises with jumping jacks, high knees, butt kicks, or simply jogging in place. Here are 10 simple bodyweight exercises you could use for inspiration.

Remember, you can modify as much as you need. Make these indoor workouts work for you!

If you want to give jump ropes a try, check out our Get Fit Bundle; it comes with four weighted jump ropes (1/4 LB, 1/2 LB, 1 LB, and 2 LB), and it’s the perfect combo of cardio and strength training. The bundle is great to have around for indoor workouts when the weather isn’t on your side.

Pro Tip: When you’re jumping rope indoors, we highly recommend using a jump rope mat to protect your floors. Also, you might want to consider wearing good jump rope shoes (even for indoor cardio) because hitting your toe with a weighted jump rope is a good way to ruin your day. 

Let’s jump in!

Indoor Workout For Bingeing Bob’s Burgers

Ready to break a sweat with the Belchers? 

Make sure you have enough space to jump and get up and down off the ground because this indoor workout is cardio + core-focused. 

Bonus: if you have any free weights (dumbbells, kettlebells, or a medicine ball) feel free to grab them to up the intensity of the workout. 

Here’s the rundown: 

  1. Hold an Extended Plank for the intro theme song 
  2. 50 jump rope jumps every time Gene plays his keyboard
  3. 30 Russian Twists every time Tina groans
  4. 50 jump rope jumps every time Teddy says, “Hey, Bob”
  5. 20 Crunches every time Bob says, “Oh My God”
  6. 50 jump rope jumps for every series of quick + dramatic close-ups
  7. 30 Dead Bugs for every flashback or fantasy
  8. 50 jump rope jumps every time Jimmy Junior dances
  9. 20 Plank-Up-Downs every time Linda starts singing or dancing 
  10. 50 jump rope jumps every time Tina mentions boys, butts, horses

Repeat x Every Episode 

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infographic image describing fun indoor workouts you can do while watching the TV show Bob's Burgers

Indoor Workout for Bingeing Friends

Working out is always more fun with friends! 

Make sure you have enough space to jump and get up and down off the ground because this indoor workout is a cardio + pushup burner.

Here’s the rundown: 

  1. Jump rope for the intro theme song
  2. 10 Pushups every time Monica cleans
  3. 100 jump rope jumps every time Phoebe sings
  4. 5 Burpees when all six main characters are at Central Perk
  5. 100 jump rope jumps every time Joey gets an audition
  6. 10 Triangle (Diamond) Pushups when Monica says “I KNOW!”
  7. 100 jump rope jumps for every fat Monica reference
  8. 10 Plank Shoulder Taps every time someone mentions Ugly Naked Guy 
  9. 100 jump rope jumps every time Ross mentions his job, science, or dinosaurs 
  10. 10 Cross Mountain Climbers every time Chandler is sarcastic

Repeat x Every Episode

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infographic image describing fun indoor workouts you can do while watching the TV show Friends

Indoor Workout for Bingeing The Office

Michael Scott loves inside jokes. We love indoor cardio. 

Make sure you have enough space to jump! Here’s what this indoor workout looks like: 

  1. Wall Sit for the intro theme song
  2. 100 jump rope jumps every time Jim looks at the camera
  3. 25 Bodyweight Squats every time Schrute Farms is mentioned
  4. 75 jump rope jumps every time Michael mispronounces something 
  5. 25 Forward Lunges every time Kelly hits on Ryan
  6. 50 jump rope jumps every time Pam says, “Dunder Mifflin, this is Pam”
  7. 25 Backward Lunges every time there’s a conference room meeting
  8. 75 jump rope jumps every time Stanley is seen with a crossword or sudoku puzzle
  9. 25 Squat Jumps every time Angela mentions her cats
  10. 100 jump rope jumps every time Michael says, “that’s what she said”

Repeat x Every Episode

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infographic image describing fun indoor workouts you can do while watching the TV show The Office

Indoor Workout for Bingeing Parks and Recreation

In the words of Ann Perkins, “jogging is the worst. I know it keeps you healthy, but at what cost?” 

So, treat yo self to a jump rope HIIT workout instead. 

Make sure you have enough space to jump! Here’s what this indoor workout looks like: 

  1. Burpees for the intro theme song
  2. 50 Jumping Jacks every time someone laughs at Gerry/Gary/Larry
  3. 30 Mountain Climbers every time Pawnee history is shared
  4. 100 jump rope jumps every time April, Ben, or Tom look at the camera
  5. 30 Speed Skaters every time you hear “Treat Yo Self”
  6. 50 Jumping Jacks every time Leslie calls Ann pretty or beautiful
  7. 10 Burpees every time Ron talks about hating the government 
  8. 100 jump rope jumps every time you see a “Vote Knope” sign
  9. 30 Second Plank every time someone says “Pawnee” 
  10. 50 Jumping Jacks every time April sits in Andy’s lap

Repeat x Every Episode

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infographic image describing fun indoor workouts you can do while watching the TV show Parks and Recreation

Indoor Workout for Bingeing Seinfeld

“I choose not to run” - Jerry Seinfeld.

We agree, so make sure you have enough space to jump! 

Here’s what this indoor workout looks like: 

  1. Wall sit during Jerry’s intro stand-up 
  2. 5 Burpees every time you hear the iconic bass run
  3. 100 jump rope jumps every time Jerry goes on a date
  4. 20 Forward to Reverse Lunges every time Kramer goes into Jerry’s Fridge
  5. 100 jump rope jumps every time any main character is at Monk’s Cafe
  6. 20 Lateral Leg Raises every time Jerry is on the phone
  7. 100 jump rope jumps every time you hear, “Hello Newman” or “Newman”
  8. 20 Donkey Kicks every time Kramer bursts into Jerry’s apartment
  9. 100 jump rope jumps every time George raises his voice
  10. 20 Lateral Lunges every time someone buzzes Jerry’s apartment

Repeat x Every Episode

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infographic image describing fun indoor workouts you can do while watching the TV show Seinfeld

Indoor Workout for Bingeing The Simpsons

A classic show calls for a classic core workout.

Here’s the rundown: 

  1. Hallow Hold during the intro theme song
  2. 50 jump rope jumps every time Homer says “D’OH”
  3. 20 Bicycle Crunches every time Marge groans
  4. 75 jump rope jumps every time Homer visits Moe’s Bar
  5. 20 Heel Touches every time you see a Duff Beer
  6. 100 jump rope jumps for every celebrity appearance
  7. 20 Plank Shoulder Taps every time Mr. Burns says “Excellent”
  8. 75 jump rope jumps every time Ned says anything “-iddly” 
  9. 20 Bear Planks every time there’s a Kwik-E Mart visit 
  10. 50 jump rope jumps every time Bart skateboards

Repeat x Every Episode

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infographic image describing fun indoor workouts you can do while watching the TV show The Simpsons

Indoor Workout for Bingeing Modern Family 

“Always keep the rhythm in your feet and a little party in your shoulders.” - Phil Dunphy 

You got it, Phil! 

Here’s what this shoulder-focused indoor workout looks like:

  1. Jump Rope for the intro theme song
  2. 20 Incline Pushups every time Claire can’t resist fixing some or complaining
  3. 100 jump rope jumps every time Gloria says, “Jay”
  4. 30 Second Crab Walk every time Haley has a new boyfriend
  5. 100 jump rope jumps every time Mitchell panics
  6. 20 Plank-To-Downard-Dogs every time Manny and Luke plot a terrible plan
  7. 100 jump rope jumps every time anyone says “Dunphy”
  8. 10 Pike Pushups every time Alex talks about school or homework
  9. 100 jump rope jumps every time Cam meddles 
  10. 20 Plank-To-Alternate-Foot every time Stella appears

Repeat x Every Episode

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infographic image describing fun indoor workouts you can do while watching the TV show Modern Family

Indoor Workout for Bingeing Superstore

A quirky indoor workout for a quirky show.

Here’s what this indoor workout looks like:

  1. Hold a plank for the intro theme song
  2. 30 Crunches every time Glen cries or screams
  3. 25 Jumping Jacks every time someone calls or mentions corporate
  4. 100 jump rope jumps every time Cheyenne gossips with Mateo
  5. 20 Alternating V Ups every time Jonah says something embarrassing
  6. 100 jump rope jumps every time Sandra gets told to shut up
  7. 30 Bicycle Crunches for every staff meeting 
  8. 25 Jumping Jacks every time Garrett makes a sarcastic announcement
  9. 100 jump rope jumps every time a customer is seen doing something weird
  10. 30 Flutter Kicks every time Dina talks about her birds

Repeat x Every Episode

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infographic image describing fun indoor workouts you can do while watching the TV show Superstore

Indoor Workout for Bingeing Schitt’s Creek 

Can you work as hard as Eugene Levy’s eyebrows? Let’s find out!

Here’s what this indoor workout looks like:

  1. Shadow Boxing for the intro theme song 
  2. 20 Side-to-Side Squats every time David rolls his eyes or looks disgusted
  3. 50 jump rope jumps every time Moira changes her wig
  4. 30 Second Squat Hold every time Alexis says “Ew,” “David,” or “Ew, David” 
  5. 75 jump rope jumps every time Roland comes around and is completely unwanted
  6. 20 Bodyweight Squats every time anyone enters the Motel Lobby
  7. 100 jump rope jumps every time Stevie is at the front desk not doing work
  8. 20 Squat Jumps every time anyone eats that Cafe Tropical
  9. 20 Lateral Lunges  every time Johnny mentions Rose Video
  10. 75 jump rope jumps every time Moira references her acting career 

Repeat x Every Episode

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infographic image describing fun indoor workouts you can do while watching the TV show Schitt's Creek

Indoor Workout for Bingeing New Girl

“Without ash to rise from, a phoenix would just be a bird getting up.” -Schmidt

If that isn’t enough to motivate you to crush this indoor workout, we don’t know what will. 

Here’s the rundown: 

  1. Jumping Jacks for the intro them song
  2. 50 jump rope jumps every time the main characters play True American
  3. 30 Seal Jacks every time there’s a bathroom scene
  4. 75 jump rope jumps every time Jess sings
  5. 30 Mountain Climbers every time Nick talks about writing his novel
  6. 100 jump rope jumps every time there’s a flashback
  7. 30 High Knees every time Winston plays a prank 
  8. 75 jump rope jumps every time Schmidt hits on CeCe
  9. 10 Burpees every time there’s a bar scene
  10. 50 jump rope jumps every time Nick tries to fix something in the loft

Repeat x Every Episode

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infographic image describing fun indoor workouts you can do while watching the TV show New Girl

Indoor Workouts Can Be Fun! 

We hope you think these indoor workouts are a fun way to mix up your routine.

Any shows you want us to add? Drop them in the comments and we’ll put together more indoor workouts for you.

Happy jumping!

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